martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

The Gothic Area and Jewish Quarter

We went on our second field trip of the semester to the Jewish Quarter and the Gothic Area in Barcelona, Spain. When touring the Jewish Quarter it amazed me to see that there was very little left there. The Jewish community must be very small now in Barcelona. I wish I were able to see inside one of the synagogues. When I went back to this area with my parents, we ended up going inside the oldest synagogue that is left in Europe. My parents and I found this to be amazing! This picture is one of the oldest torahs in Europe that was brought to Barcelona

It was amazing though to see the signs still there and the engraving on the walls that was written in Hebrew. The other area that was fascinating to see was Sant Felip Neri. It was interesting to see the wholes in the wall where the bombings took place during Franco's Tyranny in 1939. This was not that long ago to think about it. Now a days, children play futbol in that area. There is a school that is located in that area as well. I took my parents back to this area and showed them everything! I appreciate now going on these field trips because I can explain to my parents why this area is still here and why there are wholes in the wall. While waling throughout his area we found a very pretty jewelry store that is located right next to the school. The children were all playing outside in the courtyard at this time. 

While walking down the narrow streets Xavi pointed out the apartments where people lived and told us that the first floor was where the rich lived. They had tall ceilings and large windows. When you went up higher, the rooms were smaller and the windows were small with no balcony. I thought this field trip was very informative and showed me another part of Barcelona that I did not know about.

domingo, 5 de febrero de 2012

The Old Roman City

On January 25th 2012, my class and I went on our first field trip to see the Old Roman City. When I first got to our destination I was amazed with what I saw. First we saw the Columns which were very intact. The architecture and structure was amazing! The Roman symbol is the Cross which symbolizes how the town was constructed. I found that to be very fascinating and interesting.

Next we went inside the museum where we saw the Roman Baths. These baths were very big and could fit about 50 people in at one time. The baths were communal as well. The romans were excellent engineers and knew how to construct everything perfectly. They knew how to keep the clean water away from the dirty water.

While walking through the museum, it was amazing how we were walking on top of The Old Roman City.  We also saw the triclinium, which is a place where people all eat together. Everything that I saw this day just amazed me to see how intact everything was. I could tell from walking through this museum that the Romans were excellent architectures!
I will be blogging more on my next field trip, stay tuned! I found this field trip to be very interesting!