miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012


The Barcelona night life is the best! Every night is a night to go out and party. On Monday nights we go to Otto Zutz which is more of a teen club (I would say..) It is very fun, but it is a very crowded and small crammed space. It is a lot of fun when you are with all of your friends though. On Wednesday nights we go to either Bling! or Sutton. Both of these clubs are across the street from each other so it is very easy to go back and forth. When I first came to Barcelona, I was told that Monday nights and Wednesday nights are the biggest nights to go out. Well everyone proved me right! These two nights are with out a doubt the most fun! On thursday nights we go to my favorite club which is OPIUM. At OPIUM there are always these people that are dressed up in funny costumes that walk around the club. This club is down by the port olympic and is on the beach. This club is massive! Everything about this club is just amazing. On Friday nights we go to Shoko and Saturday nights are Up and Down. Each night is a night to get dressed up and party! I love going out after a long day of school work and hanging with my friends. Every night we do not arrive to the club until 1:30-2:00am! Back in the United States, this is when the clubs close. Everything in Barcelona is pushed back way farther. The night life here is something that I will always remember and it is something that everyone should take advantage of because back in the United States, it is nothing comparable!

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