lunes, 16 de abril de 2012

Park Guell

Park Guell was designed by a Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi. Before coming to Barcelona, all I heard about was Gaudi's artwork and that I must vista every single piece of his work! Park Guell is a breathtaking garden that is located on the top of a hill in the Gracia district of Barcelona. The little pieces of tile that are put into this park are astonishing and unbelievable. The first time that I went to the park, I walked all the way to the top where I could see all of Barcelona. The view of Barcelona was magnificent! When walking through the park, all I wanted to do was look at each, individual mosaic tile. Each tile as very different, which made it unique. The entire park was made up of different tiles and designs. I did not know until I visited the park again that this site was for a housing complex, but was not followed through. There are different fountains that are located throughout the park. In the middle of the park, there is sand where I see children playing soccer all the time or enjoying a day out with family. At the entrance of the park, there is a multi-colored dragon that has mosaic tile all over it.

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