lunes, 16 de abril de 2012


Barcelona was selected to host the 1992 Summer Olympics. On the hill of Montjuic, which literally means "Jew Hill", is where the 1992 Summer Olympics took place. One afternoon after class, my roommate and I decided to take a walk from our apartment to Montjuic, since it is only a 15-20 minute walk. We went up the escalators to the top of Monjuic, you were able to see all of Barcelona! It was magnificent! I was able to see Sagrada Familia from where I was standing. We walked to where the Olympics took place after. It was gorgeous up there! I was able to see the big stadium where everything took place, the pool and the track area. The water falls, were beautiful! I heard that you can go back on a Friday or Saturday night from 7-8:30 and there is a light show that comes on. Since this is my last weekend in Barcelona, I am going to spend an hour of my night at the top of Monjuic.

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