miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012

Barcelona Zoo!

In the beginning of the semester, my roommates and I decided to go on a walk since we had just arrived in Barcelona. We ended up by the Arc de Triumph and walked down through the park and ended up at the Barcelona Zoo! My two other roommates and I were so ecstatic that we just randomly found the zoo. Well of course we decided to go inside! This was one of the best days that I had in Barcelona with my two roommates. We walked inside and saw so many different animals that I have never seen before! We saw kangaroos, lions, monkeys, zebras, kangaroos etc. We ended up spending a full 3 hours at the zoo this day and explored everywhere! Who would have ever though that 3 young girls would have so much fun at a zoo for the day! All of the animals were so interesting especially the kangaroo. My roommates and I thought we were going to see a gorilla when we turned the corner, but instead we saw a Kangaroo that was posing for us! The three of us could not stop laughing! The day spent at the Barcelona Zoo is a day that I will always remember.

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